Easily generate profile images for all your users.
You can also give them the option to edit their Pilllz avatar themselves.
Request your access via email at [email protected]
To begin, you need to add the Pilllz CSS and JavaScript files to your source code. To do this, insert the following code into the
de votre page HTML :
<!-- Add Pilllz CSS file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://pilllz.com/src/widget/pilllz.theme.css">
<!-- Add Pilllz Javascript file -->
<script src="https://pilllz.com/src/widget/pilllz.js"></script>
Next, you must add a div with the ID #pilllz_generator
where you want to display the user's avatar. This div should include the following parameters:
Here's an example of HTML code to add:
<div id="pilllz_generator"
You can put a text like Loading ... here</div>
Please note that the div contains the text "You can put a text like Loading ... here," which will be displayed while the avatar is loading.
A Pilllz avatar is loaded (corresponding to your user)!
Upon clicking the user's avatar, two possibilities:
If you wish to add a button to allow the user to edit their avatar, simply add the .pilllz-edit-avatar class to this button. For example:
<button class="pilllz-edit-avatar">Edit my avatar</button>
And there you have it! By following these simple steps, you can use the Pilllz script to display your user's avatar and allow them to easily edit it.
Jean Burger is a kind-hearted man with a tender heart but a bit clumsy in his actions. With his famous mustache, he is easily recognizable. He has always been passionate about music and literature, but he ultimately chose a career in computer science. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, listening to music, and reading books. Though he may sometimes seem clumsy, he has a big heart and is always ready to help others.